Author Guidelines.
In order to submit an abstract, please follow these steps:
- Create an account.
- Submit your abstract by selecting "Submit" before December 25, 2017.
- Wait for the committee's response.
- If you receive a notification of acceptance, send the full version before January 8, 2018.
Abstracts should follow the instructions provided below. After the abstract submission has been successfully completed, authors will receive a confirmation e-mail.
Oral and poster submissions should be in Word format and include:
1. The header:
- The title of the communication;
- Type of communication (oral or poster);
- The number and title of the selected axis (among the four major axes);
- The first name and the last name ;
- Function and institutional affiliation;
- Keywords (3-5).
2. The abstract text:
- The problem;
- The objectives;
- The methodological framework;
- Preliminary results (if possible).
3. A brief bibliography (2-4 references).
The overall document (the header + the abstract text + the bibliography) must not exceed two pages maximum, less than 500 words (excluding spaces) (Format: A4 21 × 29, Font: Times New Roman, font size: 12, line spacing: 1.5, spacing: before 0pt and after 6pt, margins: normal 2.5). For the header, the font size is: 14.
For poster communication: A portrait A0 poster, size: 1189 mm x 841 mm.
Oral communications:
Oral interventions will be in French or Arabic or in English, for a period of 15 minutes, followed by a discussion of 5 minutes.
Poster communications:
Parallel sessions will be organized during the congress. Each poster will be presented during one of these sessions, in a short presentation, about 5 minutes, in front of the scientific committee members.
Final full papers:
More details on the final format of accepted full papers will be communicated later, in agreement with the editor.